Our Global Village

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Let’s talk about sex

Let’s talk about sex

The Guardian

17 Feb 2007

By yesterday there were more than 3,000 of them, pages and pages of online tributes to a man few had met but who, many of them said, had changed their lives. “You were a light in a dark world,” wrote metcop1, “thank you so much for all you did for us.”... read more...

Monday, February 12, 2007

Raising women to be successful leaders

Raising women to be successful leaders

By Carol Hymowitz

The Wall Street Journal Europe

12 Feb 2007

“We call ourselves the Network because we each have different skills that we draw on,” says Colleen, who calls Andrea every day and talks with her older sisters once a week. “Denise is the strategist, Maggie the networker, Andrea the communicator and... read more...

Euro visions

Euro visions

The Guardian

10 Feb 2007

It’s just one of those things that everyone accepts — train travel on the continent is faster. As becomes apparent when you first travel by Eurostar. You amble through the English countryside with all the time to study trackside leaves before some... read more...

Bigger, better, richer, faster

Bigger, better, richer, faster

The Guardian

10 Feb 2007

Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, is not your average politician. He flaunts the ostentatious humbleness that comes with great wealth. He refuses to trade in his Upper East Side apartment for the 18th century splendour of the official... read more...

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Losing their Elgin marbles

Losing their Elgin marbles

The Herald Business

24 Nov 2006

TODAY we bridle at large building projects that go wrong. But take heart – it was ever thus as the ancient Greeks proved so spectacularly with their botched attempts to build the Parthenon on the Acropolis. A building estimate dating to 450-449 BC by... read more...