Our Global Village

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Husband and wives

Husband and wives

The Guardian

21 Nov 2006

Of all the difficult public relations campaigns in the world, this must be among the toughest: to sell polygamy, the practice of keeping more than one wife by one man, as a deeply Christian, rewarding activity that frees the women as much as it... read more...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Life in 2056: longer, healthier – and not alone

Life in 2056: longer, healthier – and not alone

James Randerson and Ian Sample

The Guardian

16 Nov 2006

A limitless supply of spare organs, hard evidence for aliens and a machine that puts you in the mind of an animal. These are some of the predictions about the world of 2056 by a batch of the planet’s most prominent scientists, including the... read more...

Friday, November 10, 2006

Pants, pizzas and passion in record attempt day

Pants, pizzas and passion in record attempt day

Dan Bell

The Guardian

10 Nov 2006

The French went for the largest ever mass kiss, the Italians for the longest line of pizzas, and the Australians for most underpants pulled on in a minute. Guinness World Record Attempt Day yesterday gave a bizarre twist to national pride as thousands... read more...

Monday, November 06, 2006

Brave new world

Brave new world

The Guardian

06 Nov 2006

Basildon will become a city which people from all over the world will want to visit.” So prophesised Lewis Silkin, minister of town and country planning in Clement Attlee’s postwar Labour government, at a meeting of possibly bewildered local residents... read more...

Brave new world

Brave new world

The Guardian

06 Nov 2006

Basildon will become a city which people from all over the world will want to visit.” So prophesised Lewis Silkin, minister of town and country planning in Clement Attlee’s postwar Labour government, at a meeting of possibly bewildered local residents... read more...

Brave new world

Brave new world

The Guardian

06 Nov 2006

Basildon will become a city which people from all over the world will want to visit.” So prophesised Lewis Silkin, minister of town and country planning in Clement Attlee’s postwar Labour government, at a meeting of possibly bewildered local residents... read more...

Friday, November 03, 2006

Mexican splashes out record $140m for Jackson Pollock’s drops of genius

Mexican splashes out record $140m for Jackson Pollock’s drops of genius

Ed Pilkington New York

The Guardian

03 Nov 2006

If the price that has been reported is accurate, every square foot of the piece of fibreboard that was sold in New York this week cost more than $4m (2.1m). But then it was covered in an intricate web of lines in reds, yellows, blues and greys,... read more...